Mayor Adams’ new hiring director, Letters

Loyalty pays

Mayor Adams presents us another episode in the continuing saga of the “confederacy of dunces” (“Troubled jail big’s new gig,” June 4).

Louis Molina failed to right the ship that is Rikers Island. So the mayor puts him in charge of the city’s copy machines, office supplies and fleet of take-home vehicles used by his deputy mayors and commissioners.
Only in NYC politics can you fail at one job and be promoted to take on another one.

Gene Roman, The Bronx

India’s election

The results of India’s latest election, the world’s largest democratic exercise, indicate a significant shift in the political landscape (“India PM wins, but needs help,” June 5).

Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s tenure has been marked by polarizing rhetoric, notably his inflammatory comments labeling Muslims as “infiltrators.” His opponents argue these have stoked communal tensions. Journalists critical of his administration have faced harassment, with reports of expulsions, investigations and raids becoming alarmingly common.

As India navigates its complex political future, this election has punctured Modi’s hubris and demonstrated the resilience of the nation’s democratic spirit. The results offer a glimmer of hope for those advocating for a more inclusive and secular India, reaffirming the electorate’s desire for a leadership that addresses pressing economic and social issues rather than fostering division.

Jagjit Singh, Los Altos, Calif.

Honoring D-Day

Let us never forget the Greatest Generation and all they sacrificed and accomplished on D-Day, at Iwo Jima and throughout WWII and the Korean War (“D-Day: Heroes Who Changed History,” Editorial, June 6).

The Selective Service program helped keep many young men who didn’t or couldn’t pursue a college education from developing bad habits or getting into trouble. Virtually everyone of draft age was pretty much in the same boat with very few exceptions.

The likelihood of being drafted was not only in the backs of teenage minds but it became a viable option for men whose lives were somewhat “rudderless.”

As my father, a WWII veteran, told me in my teen years, “Once you graduate high school you either go to college, get a job or join the Army, but no son of mine is going to be a bum.”

Vincent Ruggiero, Scottsdale Ariz.

Double standards

This report by Steven Hillman about how he was marched back and forth through a maze of security gates by NYPD officers just to watch the Israel Day Parade strikes me as quite infuriating (“I get searched, punks get pass,” June 4).

Especially when it is contrasted with the indulgence of aggressive, hostile and antisemitic activists. No attendees of parades on Thanksgiving, St. Patrick’s Day or any other holiday had to suffer these “security precautions.”

Stanley M. Rubin, Fresh Meadows

Broadway blues

Crime and inflated hotel prices are factors in Broadway’s falloff (“Tourist Trouble,” Nicole Gelinas, PostOpinion, June 3).

But let’s not kid ourselves. The bigger factor is our theater industry’s ill-advised commitment to wokeism.
If Broadway started producing hummable boy-gets-girl shows that don’t alienate half the population, maybe its box office would pick up. Until then, only Bialystock and Bloom will make money.

Darren McKinney, Washington, DC

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