Swastika flags flown at MAGA boat parade in Florida

Boat parade for US Presidential Candidate and former US President Donald Trump in Narragansett bay

Source: Anadolu / Getty



The 2024 Presidential election is in 20 days and as BOSSIP has told you time and time again things were going to get wild. Enter, Florida man, or men, as it were.

According to a report in Newsweek, a group of Trump-supporting men yelling “Heil Trump!” and giving the Nazi salute joined a boat parade with their vessel adorned with swastika flags.


The Trump campaign has responded to the controversy and in true manipulative MAGA fashion, has spun the incident into a grand conspiracy. Says campaign spokesperson Karoline Leavitt to Newsweek:

“Kamala’s supporters are reaching all-time lows. Social media posts show that genuine Trump supporters identified these idiots as liberal activists trying to create fake news. They clearly responded accordingly.”

The “genuine Trump supporters” that Leavitt is referencing are in the above video. She says that men who splashed water on the Neo Nazis identified them as “Antifa” interlopers there to create bad optics for Trump.

That sounds stupid. November 5 is right around the corner. Go vote.

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