Julien Odoul uncircumcised dick goes viral on Twitter as he posed nudes for gay magazine, Tetu, years back

Information reaching Kossyderrickent has it that Julien Odoul uncircumcised dick goes viral on Twitter as he posed nudes for gay magazine, TETU, years back. (Read More Here).

Information: “, PHOTO: Julien Odoul a posé nu avec une bite incirconcise pour un Tetu magazine il y a des années.”

According to reports, uncut dick Julien Odoul is currently going viral for the magazine photoshoot he did years ago. Julien Odoul also showed his butthole and ass cheeks. 

According to reports, Julien Odoul once declared himself bisexual in an interview before joining the French conservative party RN.

Julien Odoul’s uncut dick went viral after he criticized smurfs and drag queens who mocked Jesus during the Last Supper at the opening ceremony of the 2024 Olympics in Paris

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