Garland ‘worried’ daily as terror threat grown ‘enormously’

Attorney General Merrick Garland admitted he is “worried” daily about a possible terrorist attack on the US, warning that the threat level “has gone up enormously” since Oct. 7.

Garland revealed his fears Tuesday when asked in the House Judiciary Committee if there was a raised threat from the millions of migrants entering the country under President Biden’s disastrous border policies.

“I am worried about the possibility of a terrorist attack in the country after October 7. The threat level for us has gone up enormously,” he testified.

Attorney General Merrick Garland said the Justice Department was “worried” about potential terrorist attacks against the U.S. since Oct. 7. AP

“Every morning, we worry about this question. We try to track anyone who might be trying to hurt the country.

“Of course, this is a major priority for the Justice Department,” he added.

FBI Director Christopher Wray issued a similar warning hours earlier, telling a subcommittee of the Senate Appropriations Committee he’d be “hard-pressed to think of a time where so many threats to our public safety and national security were so elevated all at once,” according to CBS News.

Wray on Tuesday told Congress that the ongoing conflict in Gaza has raised threats against the US to “a whole ‘nother level” with antisemitism and hate crimes also on the rise.

Garland later acknowledged the “terrible explosion of antisemitic threats” since the start of the Israel-Hamas war, according to Axios.

“Also anti-Arab, anti-Muslim threats in this country that make all of these communities afraid,” he said. “We regard it as an important element of our civil rights work to deter and to investigate and to prosecute and to stop these threats.”

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